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    Sunday, August 10, 2008

    My little biker chic

    What a week we had! It has been a very busy week for all of us...Cristina and the girls went to Rock the Desert with the Fellowship Youth. I looked at the pictures and it was obviously a great trip. I plan on going next year...

    Hannah and I stayed behind. I had to work and Hannah had a sleepover party she had been looking forward to. Hannah and I spent quality time together yesterday but were at a loss as to what to do last night. I wanted to go on a motorcycle ride but Hannah has not ever wanted to do that. Debby Cox came to the rescue...she talked to Hannah and explained it all to her in a way I could never do, and before long Hannah was ready to go. To sweeten the pot, Rick offered to let us ride the Gold Wing and Hannah agreed to give it a shot. We rode to Marble Falls and ate at the Bluebonnet Cafe. Hannah had a smile from ear to ear. She was hooked. We rode back in the dark and when we got home Hannah asked if we could ride my bike to church. I told her we could, but she couldn't wear church clothes on the bike. When we were ready to leave this morning, Hannah met me at the door wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, and the motorcycle jacket, under which was a very biker chic-looking black tank top.

    I asked her if that was what she was wearing to church. She whipped out a bag she had already packed with a dress, nice shoes and a hair brush..."I will change at the can we ride the bike?" I almost shed a all my girls are biker chicks!

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