I have not posted since Saturday a week ago after Hannah and I rode to Marble Falls. It has been a busy week and a half since then...
Sunday the 10th was an awesome day, as always. It is just such a blessing to see God working in people's lives. Sunday night we said goodbye to Cailin Vague, our summer youth intern. Cailin is a huge blessing and we will miss her as she goes off to Abilene Christian this fall.
Then Monday night rolled around...this was the night the two Fellowship softball teams faced off in league play. The Blue team one 13-12 and it was a great game. We will have the chance to avenge the loss on September 22 when we play each other again.
This Sunday was awesome. We had 106 in the 8:30 service and 346 in the 11:00 service. Three families joined and we had 3 come forward for baptism! God is Good!
I was blessed Sunday night at the ordination service. This was a very spiritual, emotional and moving service. I still cannot believe God can use even me and I am thankful for the wonderful people He has put in my life. I am the most blessed person I know...a great family and the opportunity to share ministry with some of the best, most loving Christian people around. It is easy to be a pastor for people with such a heart for the Lord!
I was humbled to have my two pastors preach at the service. Brother Dan has meant so much to me as God worked to form my call. He has been an incredible mentor and counselor through all of this, and he remains a good friend. His words were heart-felt and inspirational. Brother Jerry just blessed me. He spoke with such great conviction and stirred many people that night. I pray God will allow me to be half the pastor as these two men. I am so very thankful God allowed them to shepherd me!
It continues to be a whirlwind and it is just picking up steam. We started talking today about adding a fourth service and we are officially pursuing off-campus solutions for Sunday School. Our growth is a gift and we are diligently seeking wisdom to accommodate more people seeking a church family. Just think, we are in the historically lowest attendance time of the year, and nearly every Sunday breaks a record! I can't wait to see what God will do as the revival continues.
Prepare for it!
Have a blessed day...bless someone else!
Pastor Michael
I just dropped by to say hello. Your blog is just beautifull. My compliments, and keep on keeping on.
Thank you! Kind words from a writer such as yourself!
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