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    Tuesday, August 26, 2008

    Love that feeling...

    September is not quite here, but the mornings are starting to have that Fall fresh feeling. There is just something about the way the Fall mornings feel that make them special. It is as if God is promising great things for the day...

    Yesterday was just such a morning. It was the first day of school but the chaos typical of a first day wasn't as noticeable. We had a plan...Cristina took Hannah to her first day at Liberty Hill Intermediate and I took Connor and Kenna to the Junior High. This was Kenna's first day in Junior High, so she was a little on edge. I caused the first turns out we were supposed to be at school at 7:50, not leave the house at 7:50. Yikes! Kenna got in the truck and instantly focused on the clock: 7:48. The tears started. Connor, ever the realist, told her not to worry, "Daddy can drive fast." I really did not have anything to say...we were late, it was my fault, and we couldn't change it. Kenna accepted that line of thinking and the crisis was resolved.

    I dropped the girls off and then parked my truck. Today was to be a special day. Brenda Emmert had it on her heart that parents should gather at the flag pole at 8:15 and pray for the kids, the teachers, and for God to be glorified at the schools. By 8:05 there were only two of us there. As the minutes ticked by more parents showed up and at 8:15 there were 10 of us gathered around the pole, holding hands and praying for our children.

    What I did not know was what was happening at the other 5 campuses. There were only a couple at the High School, but there were reported to be 20+ people at each of the other campuses! While Fellowship parents prayed, Principles, Assistant Principles and other parents joined in and voices were raised on all Liberty Hill campuses! One of the principles later commented that this was the smoothest opening school day he had ever experienced and he knew exactly why. He said this was no coincidence. I believe he is correct.

    In the coming weeks, we will lay the groundwork to make this a regular event...start blocking 8:15 am on Mondays off your calendar. You have an appointment.

    I walked out of the house this morning and experienced the same feeling. Coolness, comfort...a feeling of being refreshed.

    This is the the day the Lord hath made. God did promise great things for yesterday. He made the same promise for today and tomorrow. Claim that promise! Let nothing distract you from that promise.


    Pastor Michael

    Thursday, August 21, 2008


    Kenna made cheerleader this year and has been very excited about it. She had a hard time during tryouts but stuck it out. The 7th and 8th grade girls had cheer camp this week and Kenna came home exhausted every day. While at camp, the girls were to elect a Captain from the 8th grade girls and a Co-Captain from the 7th grade girls. To be considered for Co-Captain, Kenna had to make up a cheer and write a short essay on why she would make a good Co-Captain.

    This is her essay:

    I think I would be a good co captain because…

    I am very responsible and organized. In addition, I have had lots of experience in cheer and know my stuff. It doesn’t take me long to memorize a cheer or dance. Also, I can’t stand making bad grades so that won’t be a problem. This year I’m strait on cheer because of how much time it takes up. So I am very confident I will be at every practice, fundraiser, and, game. I am also very energetic and out there, so it’s easy to throw out ideas for cheers and chants. I also don’t like when people feel left out or are embarrassed so if they are I would help them.

    My dad is the pastor of Fellowship Baptist church and I am very involved with the youth program. Church is a big part of my life. My favorite verse is Matthew 6:34, Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. So don’t worry about tomorrow just live today.

    Kenna made Co-Captain...

    Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    It's been a few days...

    I have not posted since Saturday a week ago after Hannah and I rode to Marble Falls. It has been a busy week and a half since then...

    Sunday the 10th was an awesome day, as always. It is just such a blessing to see God working in people's lives. Sunday night we said goodbye to Cailin Vague, our summer youth intern. Cailin is a huge blessing and we will miss her as she goes off to Abilene Christian this fall.

    Then Monday night rolled around...this was the night the two Fellowship softball teams faced off in league play. The Blue team one 13-12 and it was a great game. We will have the chance to avenge the loss on September 22 when we play each other again.

    This Sunday was awesome. We had 106 in the 8:30 service and 346 in the 11:00 service. Three families joined and we had 3 come forward for baptism! God is Good!

    I was blessed Sunday night at the ordination service. This was a very spiritual, emotional and moving service. I still cannot believe God can use even me and I am thankful for the wonderful people He has put in my life. I am the most blessed person I know...a great family and the opportunity to share ministry with some of the best, most loving Christian people around. It is easy to be a pastor for people with such a heart for the Lord!

    I was humbled to have my two pastors preach at the service. Brother Dan has meant so much to me as God worked to form my call. He has been an incredible mentor and counselor through all of this, and he remains a good friend. His words were heart-felt and inspirational. Brother Jerry just blessed me. He spoke with such great conviction and stirred many people that night. I pray God will allow me to be half the pastor as these two men. I am so very thankful God allowed them to shepherd me!

    It continues to be a whirlwind and it is just picking up steam. We started talking today about adding a fourth service and we are officially pursuing off-campus solutions for Sunday School. Our growth is a gift and we are diligently seeking wisdom to accommodate more people seeking a church family. Just think, we are in the historically lowest attendance time of the year, and nearly every Sunday breaks a record! I can't wait to see what God will do as the revival continues.

    Prepare for it!

    Have a blessed day...bless someone else!

    Pastor Michael

    Sunday, August 10, 2008

    My little biker chic

    What a week we had! It has been a very busy week for all of us...Cristina and the girls went to Rock the Desert with the Fellowship Youth. I looked at the pictures and it was obviously a great trip. I plan on going next year...

    Hannah and I stayed behind. I had to work and Hannah had a sleepover party she had been looking forward to. Hannah and I spent quality time together yesterday but were at a loss as to what to do last night. I wanted to go on a motorcycle ride but Hannah has not ever wanted to do that. Debby Cox came to the rescue...she talked to Hannah and explained it all to her in a way I could never do, and before long Hannah was ready to go. To sweeten the pot, Rick offered to let us ride the Gold Wing and Hannah agreed to give it a shot. We rode to Marble Falls and ate at the Bluebonnet Cafe. Hannah had a smile from ear to ear. She was hooked. We rode back in the dark and when we got home Hannah asked if we could ride my bike to church. I told her we could, but she couldn't wear church clothes on the bike. When we were ready to leave this morning, Hannah met me at the door wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, and the motorcycle jacket, under which was a very biker chic-looking black tank top.

    I asked her if that was what she was wearing to church. She whipped out a bag she had already packed with a dress, nice shoes and a hair brush..."I will change at the can we ride the bike?" I almost shed a all my girls are biker chicks!

    Thursday, August 7, 2008

    Sermon Notes for Sunday, August 10, 2008

    Preparing for Revival Part 2
    Close Encounters
    Exodus 33
    Fellowship Baptist Church
    August 10, 2008

    We are praying and preparing for revival. A revival is our renewal with God and we want to encounter. In other words, we should not be content to merely know Him…we are here to experience and encounter God. How exactly do we “encounter God”?

    We prepare

    We live

    We experience

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008


    Yep.. So far, Fellowship Baptist Church Softball teams are 0-3. That sounds worse than it really is...there are three teams and we have all played once. The Men's Blue Team lost in the opener last night and the White Team followed with another loss. There is one factor that probably didn't change the outcome but would have definitely changed the score. I could not find the right softballs and we all ended up playing with a softer ball. Softballs have a real science behind them and the teams we played had much higher compression balls which travel faster and farther. Again, we probably would have lost but it would have been much closer.

    The Co-ed team was the shining star. They had a 3-1 lead going into the bottom of the 7th and the other team tied it with two outs. In rec league softball, teams go to a "one pitch" format for extra innings. This means each batter gets just one pitch...if its a ball, they walk. If it is a strike, they are out. If they hit it, they hit it. It makes for a very fast extra inning tie-breaker. Unfortunately, it takes most of the skill out of the game and tonight the Fellowship team came up one run short. I will be the first to say they looked great. They have some quality people and they will have a great season.

    The good news is this: I guarantee there will be a Fellowship win next Monday night at 9:00. How can I be so bold, you say? After all, the men's teams pretty much got shellacked, right? Here's the deal: The Fellowship White Team and the Fellowship Blue Team face each other this coming week. As far as we know, this will be the first ever contest between Fellowship teams in league play. Let the loving and Christian-like trash talking begin! Come out and support the teams next Monday night at 9:00 p.m. at McMaster Fields in Georgetown.

    Have a blessed day...start by blessing someone else!

    Pastor Michael

    Friday, August 1, 2008


    I am reading a book on discipleship. It is a compilation of other writings by tried and true men of faith who have dedicated their lives to discipleship. One of the authors quoted a Barna statistic that I can not get out of my head: In any given year, only 5% of professing Christians - including pastors and clergy - will lead someone to Christ. That is a little alarming when we put it into the context of Matthew 9:37...

    So consider this: If one person leads someone to Christ once each month and that person leads someone to Christ once each month, in just one year that person has been responsible for 2048 people knowing Jesus! That is 2048 names written in the book of life from just one individual in just one year.

    It is on my heart to teach everyone I know to share their faith. Don't get confused...this is about discipleship and not evangelism. By teaching people to do what we have been commanded to do, their faith, knowledge and understanding of God and His precepts will deepen. I believe it is our job to disciple the nations. When we are actively engaged in discipleship, evangelism will just happen. Evangelism is a fruit of proper discipleship.

    Look at Acts 3:1-10 and Acts 4:13-14 for a minute...In Acts 3, Peter heals the beggar and we see what happens when someone is "healed" and accepts Christ: The beggar "... jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God."

    The beggar followed Peter and John into the temple courts holding onto them and dancing and jumping...this is discipleship in action! Because the beggar was healed (saved) he could not contain his excitement and joy! He stayed with the men and his actions then became a testimony to those who knew him. The very fruits of our obedience to God is a testimony to His saving grace. If we diligently lead people to Christ and disciple them, none of us will be able to contain our excitement or our joy at the work God does in our lives.

    The message this week will be from Matthew 9 and we will discuss the plentiful harvest and the few workers. As we prepare to join God in revival, we must examine our place in Kingdom work. It is such a privilege to know we do not toil in vain, but God's work is done through us. Each of us should be ready to share our faith and "...always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Peter 3:15 NIV)

    Find someone to disciple you and then find someone to disciple...think about it: 2,048 names in the book of life in just one year because you were faithful...could you stand still?

    Have a blessed day,

    Pastor Michael