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    Tuesday, August 26, 2008

    Love that feeling...

    September is not quite here, but the mornings are starting to have that Fall fresh feeling. There is just something about the way the Fall mornings feel that make them special. It is as if God is promising great things for the day...

    Yesterday was just such a morning. It was the first day of school but the chaos typical of a first day wasn't as noticeable. We had a plan...Cristina took Hannah to her first day at Liberty Hill Intermediate and I took Connor and Kenna to the Junior High. This was Kenna's first day in Junior High, so she was a little on edge. I caused the first turns out we were supposed to be at school at 7:50, not leave the house at 7:50. Yikes! Kenna got in the truck and instantly focused on the clock: 7:48. The tears started. Connor, ever the realist, told her not to worry, "Daddy can drive fast." I really did not have anything to say...we were late, it was my fault, and we couldn't change it. Kenna accepted that line of thinking and the crisis was resolved.

    I dropped the girls off and then parked my truck. Today was to be a special day. Brenda Emmert had it on her heart that parents should gather at the flag pole at 8:15 and pray for the kids, the teachers, and for God to be glorified at the schools. By 8:05 there were only two of us there. As the minutes ticked by more parents showed up and at 8:15 there were 10 of us gathered around the pole, holding hands and praying for our children.

    What I did not know was what was happening at the other 5 campuses. There were only a couple at the High School, but there were reported to be 20+ people at each of the other campuses! While Fellowship parents prayed, Principles, Assistant Principles and other parents joined in and voices were raised on all Liberty Hill campuses! One of the principles later commented that this was the smoothest opening school day he had ever experienced and he knew exactly why. He said this was no coincidence. I believe he is correct.

    In the coming weeks, we will lay the groundwork to make this a regular event...start blocking 8:15 am on Mondays off your calendar. You have an appointment.

    I walked out of the house this morning and experienced the same feeling. Coolness, comfort...a feeling of being refreshed.

    This is the the day the Lord hath made. God did promise great things for yesterday. He made the same promise for today and tomorrow. Claim that promise! Let nothing distract you from that promise.


    Pastor Michael

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