Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! If you are like me, you have put on your “fat pants” in great expectations of overeating and are making plans to see family and friends. Perhaps your day will be one of quiet relaxation. Whatever your plans, I want you to think about this: While it is okay to be thankful for what we have, we should be more thankful for Who we have!
I had the opportunity to see the sunrise this morning and I was reminded once again of our Risen Savior. We have so much to be thankful for in Him and I want to encourage you today to concentrate on the good things. The sermon this week will be from Colossians 1 and Paul tells us that we are to be thankful for the faith, love and hope we have in Christ Jesus. We are to hold to the Truth we have in Him and nothing else. Paul tells us to be joyful always, pray continuously and give thanks in all circumstances. Together, we have so much…we have God in our lives, Jesus for our salvation, each other to help us through the tough times and a plan to make real change happen. God is Good!
I am specifically thankful for each of you and God’s providence for bringing us together. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. That reminds me…if you are traveling, don’t use that as an excuse to miss church. Find a church where ever you are and worship with them. What a blessing to you and to them!
A couple of things I missed in This Week at Fellowship. First, we are trying something a little different this Sunday. We are moving Steve Adam’s Sunday School class into the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary Class will meet every Sunday at 9:45 am and will be encouraged to grow and grow. This class will be an alternative for adult Bible study. Also, December 14 is our Adult Choir Christmas Cantata in both services.
See you Sunday – remember…it is Southern Gospel Sunday…wear the pearl snaps! Sunday night is our Campfire Worship service with hot dogs and ‘Smores. Bring a chair and a friend!
I love you all…may God Bless You!
Pastor Michael